July 28 2024 - The Pilgrim Reward

Jul 28, 2024

Have you ever said, "I'll never see that happen in my lifetime"? For most of us, we limit our focus on what we believe is possible now. For many, the end game is to settle down into a comfortable retirement – the future is for others.

But that's not how the heroes of the Bible thought about the future. These "strangers and exiles" trusted in God's promises, even when they did not live to see them fulfilled. They could have easily returned to the comforts of their former lives, but they were seeking a "better country, that is a heavenly one." As Christians, we are free to go back to our old ways, but our true home lies elsewhere. We are called to think eternal, not temporal.

Having an eternal perspective is what Jesus taught and walked. He knew He would not see the full establishment of God's kingdom during His earthly life. Yet, He willingly endured suffering and death, entrusting Himself to the fulfillment that would come.

We too must be willing to endure the difficult struggle against sin, knowing the discipline may be painful but will later bear the peaceful fruit of righteousness for those who persevere. That's called the pilgrim’s path. As Christ's followers, we are called to emulate this long-term view, maintaining hope and trust in His promises. Christ's sacrifice paved the way; we simply need to walk that narrow path to His eternal kingdom.