Coldspring Methodist Church - Your Sunday Sanctuary
We all face temptation, but it doesn’t always look like a blatant sin. If we’re hungry, we want food. If we desire responsibility, we take it. If we like recognition, we expect it. But what’s wrong with this picture? The word “we” appears six times. These temptations center on us—our needs, our desires, our control—rather than trusting in God’s provision, timing, and plan. Jesus says something about that!
After His baptism, Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness. The devil provoked Him with “reasonable” temptations: turning stones to bread to satisfy hunger, claiming authority over the world, or seeking assurance of God’s protection. After all, He was God’s Son! Yet He resisted. Why? Because each temptation tested His trust in God.
What about us in our temptations? Do we trust God in times of scarcity, or do we take matters into our own hands? Do we trust His promises, or do we demand proof? Jesus’ victory shows us the power of relying on God’s Word and His faithfulness in our struggles.