Crossing the Bridge - Week Two - Day Six

Day 6: God’s Provision Brings Freedom

  • 2 Kings 4:7 
  • Philippians 4:19

What Do You Think?
God’s provision didn’t just meet the widow’s immediate need—it brought freedom and security for her future. He not only provided enough to pay her debts but also enough for her and her sons to live on. God’s blessings are holistic—they meet our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Trust Him to provide for every area of your life.

Today’s Challenge:
  • How has God provided for you in the past? How can remembering His faithfulness encourage your trust in Him today?

Now Pray:
Thank God for His faithfulness and provision. Ask Him to help you trust Him with your needs, both now and in the future.

For His glory,
Rev. D!
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Pastor David

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