Crossing the Bridge - Week Two - Day Three

Day 3: Faith Requires Action

  • 2 Kings 4:3-4
  • James 2:17

What Do You Think?
Elisha’s instructions to the widow required her to act in faith. Borrowing jars and pouring oil from a small jar probably didn’t make sense to her—it required trust and obedience. Similarly, God often calls us to take steps of faith before we see the results. Miracles happen when we act in faith and trust God with the outcome.

Today’s Challenge:
  • Is there an area in your life where God is calling you to take a step of faith, even if it doesn’t make sense?

Now Pray:
Ask God for the courage to take steps of faith and to trust Him with the results, even when the path seems unclear.

For His glory,
Rev. D!
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Pastor David

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