January 4th, 2025
by Pastor David
by Pastor David
January 4, 2025
Merry Christmastide
On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…
Eleven Pipers-Piping.
We are only two days away from the Feast of the Epiphany and time to take down the Christmas tree. I’m confident everyone reading this blog during Christmastide kept their tree up! No worries if you didn’t. I’m well aware of the pull that culture has on us.
Many years ago I had a HOA send me a letter promising to fine me if I didn’t get my Christmas lights down. Ok- it was June. But I got them. I changed the bulbs to red, white, and blue and claimed I was simply early for the Fourth of July. What does this have to do with Eleven Pipers-Piping? Not a thing, but I should get to the day at hand.
It is probably easier to imagine eleven pipers piping than ten lords a-leaping. For me, it brings to mind a lively procession, their music echoing through the air, drawing attention and lifting spirits. However, according to folklore, the eleven pipers represent the eleven faithful apostles. I think this one is a bit of a stretch - but we will go with it.
One website I found said that, after Judas's betrayal, the eleven were sent out to "pipe" the good news of the Gospel to the world. Let’s look at how the first new disciples were made, all twelve of them. Luke 6:13:
"When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles."
The apostles were ordinary men—fishermen, tax collectors, and laborers. Sounds much like our little town here in East Texas. Yet, they were entrusted with an extraordinary mission. Jesus gave them one job – and they did it well, to proclaim the good news of salvation with boldness and joy.
The piping pipers are a fit symbol to remind us of the beauty of proclaiming God’s message, and echo the words of Isaiah 52:7
"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'"
Just as pipers play their music to draw attention, the apostles carried the melody of the Gospel to hearts and minds, proclaiming peace, salvation, and the reign of God. Their message was not just heard—it was transformative, changing lives and shaping history.
It is the same story today. When we act in fullness to our discipleship call – our lives become a "song" of faith—sometimes beautiful, sometimes challenging, but always led by the Spirit. This symbolism invites us to reflect on our own lives: Are we living in a way that proclaims the good news, not just in words but in how we treat others? Do we carry the melody of hope, peace, and salvation wherever we go?
Just as the apostles were ordinary men used by God in extraordinary ways, we, too, are called to share the good news in whatever ways we can. Perhaps that is what I should have told my HOA way back when!
A Prayer for Day 11
Lord, thank You for the faithfulness of the apostles, who carried Your message to the world with courage and joy. Thank You for the good news of salvation and the peace it brings to our hearts.
Help me to proclaim Your Gospel, Your love, and grace through my words and actions. Teach me to be bold in sharing the hope I have in You, and may my life reflect the beauty of Your truth.
May I carry the melody of the Gospel with faithfulness, drawing others to the peace and salvation found in You.
In Jesus’ precious name,
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